
When it comes to your unplanned pregnancy, you have options! One of those is to start your parenting journey. Whatever you're feeling, we're here for you. We'll provide information on what becoming a parent will look like, and also offer resources and support if you decide this path is right for you.

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Abortion comes with serious side effects and risks. Learn more about what the two major types of abortion are, the risks, and what you need beforehand. Your first step to making a pregnancy decision is confirming your pregnancy details. To move forward with abortion, you will need to know how far along you are with an ultrasound, after verifying with a lab-quality pregnancy test.

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Adoption is not an easy process to go through, but it's a choice of love and selflessness. Sometimes women can't raise their child themselves, and abortion is not an option for them. If adoption is something you're thinking about, here's what you want to know about the process and what your adoption options are.

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